Dear Texas: LEAVE ALREADY! Print
Written by Dave Howard   

Rick Perry Health CareAh, ya gotta love Rick "Love the Hair" Perry. The Secessionist in Chief of Texas is again rejecting free stuff for his people.  You may remember a few months back he threatened to secede from the USA. With Bush gone their was no one to babysit the largest state in the Union. A few years ago he gave film subsidies to filmmakers who would portray Texas in a positive light. he personally made script edits.

Now he is coming forward to reject any kind of nationalized healthcare.  He says it should be the states decision. And you know what? I agree. In fact, if Texas wants to secede, let 'em,

Texas leaving would be the single most effective cost cutting measure of the new healthcare plan.

Texas is considered to be the FIFTH least healthy state in America and is home to THREE of the top Seven fattest cities in America. Eliminating them will take a huge bite out of type-2 Diabetes, Heart Disease and Glaucoma costs. 

And most importantly, Texas is the THIRD worst state for health care with a whopping 30% of the citizens without health insurance. With unemployment on the rise and little corporate regulation, this number will go greater. .

So Gov. Perry, fine! Fucking go already. See ya fattys! You're holding the rest of up. You are part of the reason this plan would be so expensive.


Update: We can give you some Purell and keep your swine flu to yourself