Ali: Part two Print
Written by Industry Nexus   

ImageThe team over at Industry Nexus is trying something kinda of cool. Each week a newauthor delivers a different chapter in the same story. You can read the whole thing at Industry nexus.

Chapter 2: Valley of the Smog

Hollywood smelled like...smoggy garbage, as Ali discovered when her bus dropped her at Hollywood and Highland.




Wow!  A big mall! Old hotels and theaters steeped in history! The Walk of Fame!  Torn between ravaging Sephora and hunting down Zac Efron, Ali compromised - she walked down Hollywood Blvd and then floated into the Kodak Theater pretending she was Katherine Heigl at the Academy Awards. But then it was time to get serious.

Ali needed to find where she was staying. Being a responsible, forward-thinker, she'd found a nice couple on Craigs List offering a room in their house for $1000/week. Ali thought that sounded a little expensive, but the house was located in a place called The Valley, so it was probably a luxurious hotel-type room, complete with balcony and mini bar. Surely $1000/week was a bargain for such a room! She reached for her iphone and called Mrs. Gupta, her new housemate (and possible concierge?!)

"I'm here!" Ali exclaimed.

"Ooooh. That is excellent," said Mrs. Gupta. "Well, we're on Olive and Riverside.  So take the 5 and exit Riverside. We're very close to the Warner Brothers lot, and Bob's Big Boy."

Olive and Riverside! Ali pictured lush greenery and deep blue flowing water. And surely she could walk right over to the studio and ask for a job in the latest Orlando Bloom movie. She was going to love LA. Now she just had to find the No. 5 bus.

Two hours later, Ali still hadn't found the No 5, so she instead took the subway. "Why, Hollywood and Highland is clearly the hub of all Los Angeles! The subway goes from here to downtown and to The Valley! Everyone who said I’d need to buy a car was clearly wrong!"

Ten hours later, Ali emerged from the subway station in The Valley. Curiously, it now seemed to be called "Burbank." She consulted her Thomas Guide (she was so sophisticated! A real Thomas Guide!) and made her way 1189113 Riverside Dr.

"Well this can't be right," she thought, staring at a boxy one story ranch house crammed next to a mini mall featuring a 7-11, Pinkberry's, sushi restaurant, nail salon, and dentist office.  But it was getting late, so she knocked anyway. After all, what's the worst that could happen?