Donkey Punch Print
Written by Dave Howard   

Prior to the screening I approach the publicist, who is known for working with classy indie fare. “So you got a good one for me, tonight?”

“I got a lot of skin and a lot of blood.


“Donkey Punch” is a sweet Mediterranean romp where post-collegiates freebase, screw and chop either up with an outboard motor. SPOILER ALERT: There is no donkey.

Three trixies from Leeds go off for a party weekend in the Mediterrean. They meet some sailors who work aboard a luxury yacht. The boss is away so why not take it out to the high seas for some recreational activities.  Naturally, this leads to booze, blow and some of the most graphic sex I’ve seen on the big screen in a while. While engaging in the alt-sex act known as “The Donkey Punch” one of the girls is killed which sets off a chain reaction of phony alliances, mind games and gut wrenching murder.

At its core,”Donkey Punch” is a character driven piece no different from Reservoir Dogs or Very Bad Things. This is a notch above your standard screw and slash kind of genre pic. Each character is given a set of kill or be killed choices and each are pressed far west of their moral compass.

Director “Oliver Blackburn'”  has assembled a very taut and shocking flick. Overall it is very fat free with each scene leading to a new conflict.  The majority of the flick is set on the boat and by using tight angles and close ups a real sense of claustrophobia sets in.

"Donkey Punch" showcases one of the most exciting rookie ensembles in recent memory. There is a star in this movie and I don’t know who it is.  Everyone is the cast remarkably talented and most were doing Shakespeare before landing in this bloodletter.

:Donkey Punch: is coming to VOD and theaters over the next few weeks. I would go with the  VOD option on this as the think Leeds accents make it hard to understand at time, use the subtitle options.
