The Men of "Friday Night Lights" Print
Written by Karen Crackpot   

ImageWith a new year come new men. Over the holidays I discovered my new favorite show: Friday Night Lights. I was less than impressed with this show’s pilot, so I decided to bench it as a dumb football thing with bad camera work and bad lighting. But NBC was smart in airing a marathon over the break, right when I was getting sick of my family, and I’ve discovered a treasure chest of men.


First, I’ve always been a fan of Kyle Chandler. I watched Early Edition and Homefront specifically for him. I was devastated when he was killed off on Grey’s Anatomy. (Come on, they couldn’t find a series regular spot for a bomb squad guy?) It’s a cliché, but Kyle Chandler is the thinking woman’s sex symbol. Cute slanty eyes? Check. Full head of dark hair? Check. Smart? Check. Good sense of humor? Check check check! Is he the perfect man or what? Makes me jealous of Connie Britton, who plays his wife on the show. The football coach (Chandler) and his wife have such a good marriage, such a real marriage, that it makes me actually contemplate ball-and-chaining myself. They’re friends, they fight, they make out, they have a good kid; they actually seem to like each other. That’s what I want.


In the meantime, while I wait for Kyle Chandler/Coach Taylor to look up my address, I’m enjoying some eye candy. Namely, Taylor Kitsch aka Tim Riggens. Hello hunka burnin love!! Ok, did I just say that? But really, this guy is sex on a stick. Tall, muscular, doesn’t talk much, but he has a good heart. Psssst…Riggens, you can do better then Lila. She’s a first rate twit. Don’t you think you might want to contemplate an older woman? I could teach you a thing or two.


ImageIn reality, I’ll probably end up with someone like Matt Saracen (played by Zack Gilford) who plays a nice guy thrust into the starting quarterback position when Jason Street (Scott Porter, cute if you go for that perfect teeth/perfect haircut/paraplegic type) is paralyzed. Saracen is sweet, hard working, looks after his dotty Grandma…actually nevermind. He would never go for me.

So ladies, if you’re thirsting for lust worthy men, look no further than Wednesdays, 8pm, on NBC. Oh yeah, and guys, there is some football in there too. And some hot young babes. See? I’m an equal opportunity lustworthy meter.


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