Jilted By My (myspace) Friend. Print
Written by Dave howard   

Imageyes, I watched the Republican Debates. While I have seldom voted for a Republican (the only I can think of was Richard Riordan, Former Mayor of Los Angeles) I like to know what they have to say. Eternally optimistic, I was really hoping I would hear something inspiring.  Always looking to break from my HMO shackles, I was intrigued when Mitt Romney proposed a Personal Responsibility Health Care Idea.  I needed more information.

Instantly, I was added as a new best myspace friend for Mitt and I composed the following comment for his message board.:

I was impressed with your performance in the debate. I am a freelance consultant who is going to lose my health benefits soon. I have been using my Cobra from my previous job to maintain my health benefits. For many years, I have been dissatisfied with my HMO coverage. As a Type-1 Diabetic, even if I won the lottery, I would not be able to purchase health care because of this pre-existing condition. Just to clarify, Type-1 diabetes is neither preventable (like Type-2 diabetes) nor curable. Under your personal responsibility health care platform, would pre-existing conditions such at Type-1 diabetes be covered and affordable?

I have heard a lot of politicians talk about this platform yet I do not understand how it works. I will have to quit consulting soon so I can obtain health benefits from a company of some sort. 

Please elaborate, Thanks

- An Undecided Independent

 Well,. I waited and checked for my comment to be posted. Perhaps he would mention me today and give some good old hard facts. Alas my comment was never posted. I was hurt. However, what genius comments about current issues took precedent over mine… here they are:

I'm a Bewtter Drummer than You 
Jun 5 2007 6:28P  

hey governor romney...
what is up?
i saw you in the debate tonight and i thought you made your point...
i also think, nd i know many others who think this too) that you look like a younger version of Ronald Reagan.You are one of the only 4 candidates i trust along side with mike huckabee, Rudy Giuliani and Barack Obama. I Knnow you would do alot to help with immigration and healthcare and iraq butb if you don't get the nomination which i hope you do, i think you should check out the vice presidency because i would really like you in the highest position you can be in...
please comment me back when you have the time...thank you governor romney.
-i'm a better drummer then you...deal with it

Jun 5 2007 7:28P
you have my vote because we need another president like Regan and unlike the other candidates, you are not annoying. i never get tired of listening to you talk. good luck.


Senior Chief has his girl!
Jun 5 2007 7:40P
Mr. Romney yourself and Mayor Guilani(sp?) were the only ones on that devate that made any sense whatsoever and i believe more then ever that you are the ONE answer for this great country

 Jun 5 2007 12:43P

hey man, watsup. just wondering about what you would do with your "fanmail"(letters from the people) assuming you became president
and how you think we can win in Iraq. also just wonderin watsup :)

Jun 5 2007 11:25A
PLEASE win the election! Please make a stand on the importance of good educators in our schools today. There are FAR TOO MANY lazy slacker teachers that do not teach, but use a book as their sole source of information. I have been a victim in MY school in Utah of teachers failing to care about academics. They put their heart into coaching [which has turned into a teaching qualification] rather than the academics of their subjects. PLEASE MAKE A STAND ON THIS. Thankyou!
God be with you, Gov. Romney!

Kayla Smith
Jun 5 2007 9:40A
Thanks for the add buddy. You're my favorite candidate in the field right now, keep it up. one question: why are you aligning with Bush? you don't have to, you're twice the man Bush is on his best day and Bush doesn't have that many best days. it will screw you in the general. peace in the middle east my brova


So folks,  if you have an opening at your company with health benefits let me know ASAP. With these pressing issues, I think it’s gonna be a while before I get a detailed answer.