CNN Does the Repulican Party a Proper Print
Written by Dave Howard   

ImageThere has been a lot of talk about CNN stacking the Republican Debate with You Tube Folks who were already committed to one Democrat Candidate or another. John Edwards girl, Log Cabins For Obama and the Gay Brigadier General have been all the rage for the blog world, lefties and righties alike.

CNN has done the Republicans a favor. By having these “infiltrators” in the debate the blog cycle is buzzing. First of all, we forget that there is no way in hell any of these people would have been actually allowed to attend a GOP function. So it is fair reporting to have these people of dissent asking questions without being struck down in the parking lot for kicks. O, the outrage. 

Again, we are the stooges of the puppet show. This buzz has diminished the real story. Watch the other videos. The Base of the Republican Party are a BUNCH OF FUCKING PSYCHOS.

Let’s review.

Bible Guy and Tony Perkins Look-A-Like





Gun Guy – A Fan Favorite
Please note the hysterical laughter that the crowd gives this guy. He wants to shoot people who disagree with him?  GO AMERICA! What do you think the reaction would have been had he been black, brown or wearing a Turban?




Confederate Flag Guy-- Eventual Doritos Spokesman?


I was impressed with Mitt Romney’s answer. Good for him! He lost a couple of votes to say the right thing.

These are the morons the Republicans have to play to. These are the ones who get  worked up by the AM radio victimization of the White Christian Guy.  These are our neighbors.  These are the base. I recently bashed REDACTED for its overuse of stereotypical characters, rednecks included.  I stand by that but you have to wonder when the Republican Party embraces these stereotypes then get mad when Hollywood Fictionalizes them. These people really exist? Granted all these guys are young, and may come to their senses once they get laid. So maybe good things are on the horizion. 

But maybe not…

These are dangerous fucking people. By using the left wing folks, CNN has obscured the fact that the Republican Party panders to a bunch angry, violent, undersexed whackos. 

That’s the real story.