Written by Dave Crackpot   
ImageWell, mostly Grouches.  Crackpot Greg made a kick ass new viral… uh, thing. Discovered a new artist on My Space named DC Fontana. She wanted to be MY friend Then it turned out to be these guys doing this wacky 60’s Mod “Blow Up” kind thing. I kind of felt like dancing like a moron in my underpants. It doesn't take much for that to happen. Saw this great flick (review soon) called CHICAGO 10. It’s an animated documentary on the Chicago 7 (or ten, if you count Bobby Seale and the two lawyers). Between LBJ and George Bush I have decided that no one who is or pretends to be from Texas should ever darken the Lincoln Bedroom Again. And I am from the state that brought you Nixon and Reagan. Speaking of w hicScrew Ron Paul. THERE ! I’ve said it.  ImageI was having a snack while walking down Wilshire Blvd when I see this MONSTROSITY. So that’s how Ron Paul gets his money. Bunch of largesse yahooic nebs who have nothing better to do than spend their big Texas oil bucks on a monument to excess  to tour the country shouting things like “NO FREE NORTH AMERICAN TRADE” Again No Texans in the White House. WHAT’S WRONG WITH PEOPLE??? And what the hell is Ron Paul going to do with all that money after he gives up next week?  Hannah Montana’s 3d Concert movie is setting monster pre-sale records across th Nation. I was immediately tempted to get a front row seat wearing only a Steve and Barry’s Peacoat.  It’s currently selling on 3rd and LA Cienega for $8.99. U2 must feel like Crap. I have been working on giving up the cigarettes. It’s been a trying ordeal. I’ll go a few days and then crack. Overall done pretty well, I have only smoked five days in the month of January. I used to have this book called “Medations for Giving Up Cigarettes.” It has all these tips and what you can expect each day you are going through withdrawal. Found it helpful in previous attempts, but can’t seem to find it. CRRRRAP. So I turned to the internet and typed in “Quitting Smoking Week One.” This lked to the following message board. It alternates between the crybabys (like me) and the people who think they have licked it. God Damn are the “lickers” a condescending bunch.  Here are some examples: Joined a support group - this one and read everything i can about not smoking. i know the health hazards - we all do. i wanted information on how to stop and what to do once stopped. I made sure i had a refrigerator full of freshly steamed and raw vegetables (i've always eaten alot of veges so this wasn't something new for me) have lots of peaches, berries, banannas, grapefruit, apples, etc... on hand. i don't keep chips, candy or fattening foods in my home Support group and bananas . and obviously never using a shift key. Oh she’s only three days in and already a self righteous perfectionist.  Until next time…