Video Pick of the Week:MOJO NIXON Print
Written by Crackpot   

I’ve been getting a lot of Great advice on the health insurance front. I feel optimistic.

There was this guy I met at a poker game a few years back.  He was talking about a road trip he took and his bike broke down. Some guy helped him out, cooked him a meal and let him crash for the night. Stoically he smiled and said. “There are some really good folks out there” In LA.. you don’t get that so often. 

In that spirit, this week’s Video Pic of the Week is “Elvis is Everywhere” from 1987-ish.

 There are a lot of Elivs' out there.Thanks to all the “ELVI,”  we’ll figure the rest out. 


P.S. Check out our interview with Mojo and his show on Sirius.