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Grand Rapids Turning a Profit on Ebay!
Written by Dave Crackpot   

Grand Rapids, MI is selling "Going Rogue" for warmth.

Yesterday I put this on my fake twitter account "I find it ironical that @AKGovSarahPalin first stop on her book tour is Grand Rapids MI. Their illiteracy rate their is 21%" (the incorrect spelling of their was a joke). Also big in Grand Rapids is unemployment. Currently it is floating at 11.5 %.  This makes it one of the worst hit areas in the nation by the Republican induced recession. Sarah referred to it as a "microcosm of society." Well, no shit!


But what DO the good folks of Grand Rapids, MI have? They got heart and entrepreneurship by gum! Turns out EBAY is being flooded by signed copies of "GOING ROGUE," one going for as much as $300. (SUCKER!) The average current bid is between $30 - $50, just a coupla bucks more than. Up until yesterday the only place us real Americans could get that was good ole Grand Rapids.

And good for them, it's about time the GOP gave them something of value. A good for them for being smart enought to sell it!




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