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Why Air America Failed.
Written by Dave Howard   

Air America FailDEAR GOD! Has anyone else heard?

With the election of Scott Brown and the failure of Air America the progressive movement is dead. It's on all the news channels... even MSNBC!

Air America went under for the same reason why Martha Oakley's campaign failed. They were arrogant. They assumed folks would want to hear the truth. With Fox News polling as the most trusted news source in America, people want to hear what they want to hear.

In Los Angeles, Air America recently joined the ranks Free Radio and Indie 103.1 (now online only) that have tanked for cheaper formats.  In addition, three more sports/talk radio stations have announced in March that they are going to music programs.  The biggest reason is that the talk format is much more expensive than the "Jack" I-pod formula.

What? Businesses are tanking in the great recession?

Free Radio (Tom Lykus, Adam Carolla) and Indie 103.1 (Steve "Other Guy from the Sex Pistols" Jones, Henry Rollins, Nina Hartley) both had great, dare I say, celebrity hosts. Free Radio had great ratings. Indie 103.1 was named "Best Radio Station" by Rolling Stone.  The on-air talent was just getting too expensive. n

Now, Air America also had popular hosts and I am sure they weren't cheap. My guess is that they are cheaper, than Rush, Hannity and Bill O. However, right wing media has been able to do something that left can't seem to figure out.  The right wing has been able to get us god and gun hating liberals to tune in. In SAN FRANCISCO, the liberalist city in U.S. Rush Limbaugh has fantastic ratings.  Air America simply didn't follow talk radio rules, enrage and engage -- the enemy.

Even a health care craving, gun-loathing, lefty like myself loves to tune in to Fox News, Rush and Why? I love to laugh at idiots. It's the same reason why folks gettin it to the nether tenders is so popular on You Tube.

Air America didn't outrage the right.  That is half of the audience. They came off as condescending elitist exclusionary snobs instead of condescending accessible snobs. There are four regular attractions to every right wing talk show.

A) Make the audience feel smart, especially when they are not.
B) Make up outrageous claims and NEVER apologize for them. It keeps your heat up.
C)  Victimization! Lots of victimization.
D) Advocate the simplest course of action. Break everything down to an easy spouting point. I think the issues were often too complicated for the average Joe or Sarah.

So, this is why they failed. Hopefully, the left won't continue making the same mistakes.


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