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What Really Killed Casey Johnson?
Written by Dave Howard   

When Casey Johnson's autopsy came out, there was a subtext that was ignored. The Doctor's office blew it off as diabetic ketaocidosis. This means her blood sugars got too high, she went into a diabetic coma and died. Here's the problem, it is highly unlikely that a lifelong diabetic would die this way. To clear up a misconception, you can't just eat a piece of cake and check out. This took work.

When I heard Johnson died, I assumed it would have been from a LOW blood sugar. She was a reckless gal who partied too much. Low blood sugars cause you to be in a haze and are terrifying when they happen in the middle of the night. Combine this with a heavy buzz and living alone and you can die from this. The symptoms are described as “snoring with your eyes open.” Seizure and coma take hold in just a couple of hours.

In order to die from diabetic ketaocidosis, it takes several DAYS OR WEEKS to die. Prior to diagnosis, my blood sugars had been running outrageously high for at least a month. In order to die, Casey Johnson went off of her insulin. In the high stakes crowd she ran with the reason should come as no surprise.

Casey Johnson was most likely hypo-bulimic. This is a version of self-induced weight loss specific to Type-1 diabetics. When your blood sugars rise to extremely high levels, you lose weight rapidly. For example, when I was diagnosed with Type-1 diabetes my blood sugar levels where over 1000. A normal person is 100. When this happened, I was a 6'3, 200 lb adult who lost 50 pounds for no apparent reason. Hypo-bulimia is a growing and dangerous trend amongst younger diabetics, particularly teenage girls. I was at a Type-1 charity event where I overheard girls as young as eleven were discussing it.

What does come as a surprise is that none of her friends noticed. So if you have a diabetic friend or kid who is at-risk for hypo-bulimia, check for the symptoms of a high blood sugar.

  1. Lethargy.

  2. Peeing a lot.

  3. Increased appetite, including sugary drinks.

  4. In my case , mania. I can't sit still

  5. Irregular irritability

Casey Johnson was obviously a lot lonelier than she appeared.



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