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Right Wing Rallies Around Nut Who Crashes Plane Into a Building
Written by Crackpot   

Joseph Andrew Stack, the nutjob who crashed the plane into the Austin IRS buidling already has a commemorative Facebook page. He released a suicide note detailing a rant of teabagging/Beck opinions. Because of the nature of this page, Facebook must have to take it down. The average poster seems to have extreme right wing view and see him as a fallen hero.

The page itself has some very frightening (Unedited)  posts on it:

David Hodgdon Score one for the good guys.

Emily Walters The promise of success is with the man who is determined to die proudly. If it is no longer possible to live proudly." Francis Parker Yucke

David Ballinger Glenn Beck 4 eva!

Jimmy Withers The corporate-run media will shut this down quickly. Theyre already changing the subject and the govt is shutting down websites about it. Im surprised theyre not calling him a terrorist yet..wait hes probably not a muslim, thats why. Gota keep that perception for war purposes...

Andrew Yeoman I can't say that agree with what he did but I most certainly sympathize with why he did it. RIP martyr for liberty!

Kirsten Dickson I don't agree with what he did, but I can understand why he did it. We expect the guy who does something crazy to actually BE crazy, but in this case it's easy to relate to Stack's story. I'm positive that fact is terrifying a huge portion of America right now.

Dana Cooper Everyone needs to realize although his actions were extreme our wonderful government pushed him over the edge - AND this is what it took to get their attention - Look how long he tried to get attention letter after letter he sent - Our government ignores us and uses us to THEIR advantage - And I have a gut feeling - There will be more.

I love how some say they don't condone the actions but the spirits of the actions. Y

Do you see the trend here? Now obviously, the fear tactics of the right wing media are succeeding. The right wing sees this guy as a hero.  All of these people have their victimization flag flying. The Fox News sponsored Tea Party movement is succeeding. And they are ready to arm themselves and take it to the streets.

And then what do we do?


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