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What is My Superpower?
Written by Dave Howard   

I've been watching this cool little animated series of shorts on called "Chadam"

Since the episodes are short, they dole out information with an eyedropper. So far, this is what I have been able to glean. The residents of  Vulture have been under an attack from an evil mastermind and have blockaded themselves into the remote district Cardboard City. Chadam, who has been pulling a Rip Van Winkle awakes to the new doom his city has become. He seems to be discovering that he has a superpower, he can make drawings leap off the page and do his bidding.

It got me thinking, do I have a superpower that I a taking for granted?

Up until a year and a half ago, I had been making a pretty good living as a content manager and writer. Then ... there was nothing. It all stopped. I got laid off at my regular writing job and all the additional extra money gigs became my main source of income. And now those have dried up as the folks with the dollars are getting folks to write for free.

It's been a long time since I worked regularly.

So there must be some kind of superpower that I have that I overlooking. Something that I will discover and it will launch me into greatness or at least mediocrity again.

So here is a quick assessment of my superpowers. If you see anything I can make a living or at least fight evil with, let me know.

1) When my wife comes home and has had a rough day at the office, I just need to do my version of "Single Lady" to make he remember to laugh.
2) When it comes to other people, I can usually ground them with a well thought out overview.
3) With nearly 20 years experience in the entertainment industry , I kick ass at Tuesday Night Pub Trivia at Melgard.
4) I can shoot insulin with nary a passerby becoming wise to it.
5) Gum snapping powers.
6) I make a mean burger
7) I have no fear of working on spec. That will wreck the average mortal man.
8) I can defuse a screaming boss in single smart assed comment.
9) I have a talent for knowing how to find the best Happy Hours. I have a 6th sense for timing the  rarely announced last Happy Hour call
10) And then there is that whole being able to see throw ladies clothing. Which, on Melrose, is pretty easy.

Hmmm, how CAN I rule the world with these things?

I have been hired by Warner Bros WB Word division to raise awareness for Chadam and Exposed on


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