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how i feel right now PDF Print E-mail
Written by Kate Crash   

The Kate Crash Experience is coming to the Viper Room March 3.Kate Crash Viper Room 

I am taking off

I feel everything coming together

Propelling me into visionary greatness, madness, bliss, CHANGE

I am everything I have chiseled myself into

The passion of life as an art [or art as a life]

The passion of always carrying on

Through quicksand hands of love and terror

And irrevocable words oil stains of memory

Through fists of time and alligator teeth of disbelief

That all latch onto my human feet

And all the things tv taught me to be and said I could never be

Well I am you see

Defying it's lipstick 0 0 conformity

Well I can be

I am

I am

I am



Bonus Poem:


a box of no yummies...

I brushed my teeth
I got all pretty
I broke my bones
I sucked in my tummy
For a bottle of bad whine
And a box of gummies
I went home
Without giving him my yummies


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