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Ass-kickin Obama PDF Print E-mail
Written by Dave Howard   

Obama President EvilMan, Obama is losing a lot of dough on image residuals. With the amount of sidewalk hucksters, CafePressers and backroom silkscreeners rolling out the product, you have to wonder what the average income of these folks are. But now at Comicon there is a new comic available.. "President Evil!" 

While this title had been used to described the previous admin, there is a twist this time. Obama is "fighting for some unwanted change." As the "Army of Darkness" cover implies, Obama fights Zombies. The former film student in me wants to read a bit too much into this. Could this be a symbol for the Faux News, middle American, Palin worshipers?  Or is it just revenge for all these people making money off of his name?

Take a look at this screen capture and you decide!

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