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Dick Hollywood's Bottomless Flask PDF Print E-mail
Written by Dick Hollywood   

ImageWe have started a new experiment called THE BOTTOMLESS FLASK. Our pal Dick Hollywood will be putting together a mix for your own personal mind hype. I get to pick the subject. After our earlier skirmishes with “The Movie Blog”  and A-Rod, this week’s subject is simple… “B-Listers.

These are all bands that I thought of a B-listers due to the fact that they all kind of have the same generic sound. Some have made it to the A List but have dropped and others were the "next big thing." Yet never  really achieved that A-List status. In my opinion they are all B- Listers even though I like a few of the songs... and yes I was drunk when I put this together!

-dick hollywood

P.S. I love Banana Moon Pies. 

Click on LAUNCH STANDALONE PLAYER to listen to the list!


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