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Dick Hollywood's Bottomless Flask:YAHOO! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Dick Hollywood   

Editor's Note This week Dick Hollywood attended the Yahoo! Xmas Party. I flashed back to my days in San Fran during the quiet before the storm of dotcom era. I shared  a work space (either a glamorized cubicle or a dumb downed office depending on your point of view) with this hippy chick named Audrey. During those days YAHOO radio comercials ran constantly on the office approved KFOG 104.5. The spots always ended with some cowboy yelling "Yaahooooo-- ooo" at the end. Every time this came on Audrey felt it necessary to  stand up wave an imaginary lasso, gyrate her hips while singing the end of the song. It was a glorious site. So this week's subject is "YAHOO!"

- CP

ImageYahoo is defined as  " an uncultivated or boorish person; lout; philistine; yokel."

nuff said...

Here is the playlist and by the way, I am not in anyway implying that being a Yahoo is a bad thing.

-dick hollywood

Now, hit "Read More" then like a "SpaceNut"  hit LAUNCH!  


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