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Where Have All The Cowboys Gone? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Karen Crackpot   

ImageWhat’s going on with all the men on TV?   I pined away for these guys for so long, lamenting the fact that I couldn’t find someone similar in the real world. But now I’m starting to wonder.

First let’s look at Derek Shepherd. Aka McDreamy, but he really hasn’t been so McDreamy lately. In fact, he’s really been more like McSquirrely. McSkeezy. McIcky. I think it begane for me last season, after he had sex with Meredith in the exam room while everyone else was (including his wife) was drinking punch at the prom. His asking Meredith “What does this mean?” was ridiculous and cowardly. What does this mean? You tell me asshole.



You’re the married one. I positively cringed in the flashback to when he and Meredith first met. A huge ick factor in the way he leered at her. Gross. Could it have been any more obvious that he was just out to get laid? He looked like someone they warn you about in PSA’s, who seems like a good guy but really has an STD. Or is a serial killer.


(By the way, I was a huge McSteamy fan when he first came on the scene last season, but as soon as he came out of the steam this season I’ve been somewhat grossed out by him as well. There is something sort of James Brolin-in-Hotel about him. That 80s thing going on.)

ImageLuke and Christopher on Gilmore Girls. I should have addressed this a while ago, but Luke is an a-hole. There is a difference between being a man of few words and being an idiot neanderthal, and Luke is most definitely the latter. He went out of his way to keep Lorelei away from his daughter, and that’s cerrtainly not a way to start a marriage. (By the way, he’s to hoping the new Gilmore writers will do away with April. When has the long-lost daughter storyline ever worked? ) I’m inclined to agree with Luke’s sister on this one: he and Lorelei are just not in the same place. She can do better.

Not that that’s Christopher, because while I always kind of liked the guy (although he is too obvious a choice for Lorelei) there is something sort of creepy about him this season. Beginning with his crawling in bed with her in the season premiere, I was really grossed out. He looked like he’d smell bad. I certainly can’t imagine him being a tiger in bed.

As for Veronica Mars’s Logan, I’ll give him a chance, but only because I’m such a sucker. I’m a little concerned that the writers are Ned-ing him (as in Nancy Drew’s companion) but I’m hoping he’lleventually have more to do then give V room keys and whisper words of love. Come on Logan, where’s the edge.

Two guys to watch though, assuming their shows can stick around: Matt on Stand Off has some edge, plus he’s smart and funny, and genuinely seems to like Emily. He’s the perfect guy: snarky and smart but genuine when he needs to be. Another guy with some serious potential is Jack in Men In Trees. He’s tall and muscular, and has a smile that makes me weak in the knees. I don’t find the fly-fishin’ turtleneck-wearin’ “man of few words” thing a good match for me, but he’ll make someone very happy. Not that I wouldn’t take advantage of him given the chance. A girl has to take what she can get.

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