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My Date With a Small Plastic Cup PDF Print E-mail
Written by Greg Mills   

Image(Gentle reader: This entry is about an intimate medical procedure that was performed on me and the even more intimate follow up. Nothing too gross, but you may learn more about the Mills family’s family planning strategy than you necessarily want to. I’ve tried to make it cute and light. Thank you.)

Many moons ago, under my wife’s suggestion, I went under the knife. More specifically, my netherbits went under the knife, so as not to bring anymore innocent souls into the veil of tears that is life.

(I got my balls cut into so as to not make babies, in other words.)

The procedure was surprisingly uneventful, other than the jolly male nurse carting in what
looked like a lesser droid and cackling “This is the machine they gonna fry your balls
with” and the tense business of shaving that morning. Shaving, like, not my face, right?
With a razor?

I have only total respect for porn actors now.

Actually, the weirdest thing about it was the banality of the event.

Having a man handle my gear while asking me “So, what line of work are you in, Mr.
Mills” is odd, especially since I am straight man.

Local anesthesia, disassociated tugging, a burning smell. Done. (Obviously, the burn
smell rang some deep lizard brain bell, but my Model 21st Century Man brain did its job
and I did not attempt to choke the doctor.)

Going to the dentist is much worse and I’m proud to say I am carrying two tiny titanium
clamps around with me. I feel like Darth Vader!

After a week or so of walking very, very carefully, I took my sample in. By sample, I
mean my… sample.

(Note to any gentlemen considering this procedure: materials are not provided by the
clinic to aid in the collection of the sample. And don’t bother asking. It might lead to
uncomfortable silence and wild, recriminating stares.)

I did the deed, and may it clear across town with a small plastic cup… but forgot my
paperwork. The woman at the lab was not impressed, and all that driving and collecting
was for naught.

I don’t do well with clerks, bureaucrats and lab people. I get nervous in lines. Especially
when I'm carrying a tub of stuff around.

So, months went by.

Finally, I took the matter to hand, as it were, once again and called the Urology

The clerk: “Come on down! We’ll take care of this once and for all.”

I like this guy. I can do business with this guy.

So I go. I get my cup AND the proper paperwork and this time, I do it right.

So as not to let the pressures of cross town traffic prevent me from getting this done once
and for all, I decided to get it done in situ.

So I went to the mens toilets, eager to get to work. Now, if I were sixteen, this would
have been an easier piece of work. I probably would have gotten extra-credit for sheer
enthusiasm. (“You want me to what? And as a medical professional, you condone that
sort of thing? Thank you. Thank YOU! Give me two cups! I’ll make you proud of me!”)

But now, as a more seasoned man of 37, I require a romantic atmosphere, like not having
a man in serious GI distress trumpeting in the stall next to me. Things didn’t go well at
first. There were issues with the corpus cavernosa not being team players, using this
moment to detumescent when the opposite state was more conducive to the desired

After much mental fight, the tides turned and I was able to reach fruition. The man next to
me still stuggled on, alas. Include him in your prayers.

The clerk this time was a man, and he was even less impressed with me than the woman
who sent me away for the want of paperwork so many months before. He peeked in the
bag that contained the product of my hard work very tentatively, then scowled at me.
“Call you in two days.” His eyes narrowed. “Pervert.”

So, that was a Friday. My wife had me call on Saturday night, but the nurse couldn’t read
the chart. So Monday morning, I call.

From the sound of the woman on the phone, being a Urology nurse is a great job to have.
It’s like being the person that calls people who have won the lottery, but this prize isn’t
money… it’s SEX!

Here’s what she said: “Mr. Mills, congratulations! There are no sperm present in the
sample! And I bet tonight you’re going to have A LOT OF FUN!”

And she really said that.

Nice lady.

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