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LOST FINALE: I Don't Do Taco Night PDF Print E-mail
Written by By Karen Crackpot (and guest writer Scott Widney)   

ImageThe Lost finale was just too good to write about alone, so I brought in Scott Widney to help me out.

Scott: If only they could all be Kate episodes - seriously, is there a woman on the planet who looks better all sweaty and disgusting? I dug her flashback: the idea of Kate making a stab at domestic bliss was interesting, and it was nice to see my man Nathan Fillion ("Firefly," "Buffy") as Kate's poor sap of a hubby. And as we all know, there's nothing like a little tropical cage sex to relieve the stress of daily life. Loved Jack and Kate with the glass between them. Quite possibly my favorite scene of the season.
Despite going against all conventional TV wisdom, I really thought Sawyer might be toast there for a minute. I also thought Jack might have gone over to the dark side before he came to the rescue with his medical version of Dennis Hopper's scheme from "Speed" - fucking badass.

I have my doubts as to whether there is a second island at all. Thinking back to the dodgy fx that showed it at the end of Sawyer's ep, I'm wondering if it wasn't exactly that: an effect, a trick to make Sawyer (and later, Kate) believe that escape was impossible.

More and more I get the feeling that Ben may actually be less dangerous than Juliet. Nothing concrete, just a feeling. Desmond is, like, Jesus or something. February seems very, very far away...

Karen: Holy. Shit. I was screaming at the end. I was a little horrified at the cage sex (although it was hot hot HOT)...anyone could have come up and seen them. Plus, we know they were filmed...maybe some blackmail later? No?



ImageThe Jack and Kate dynamic was awesome. E. Lilly did a fantastic job in this ep. Notice that they opened the door for her to have a relationship with Jack. She never actually told Sawyer she loved him, (and how insincere was his declaration?) and her screaming into the walkie was just as desperate as her screaming to save Sawyer's life. Shit, what a scene that was. Sawyer on his knees, with Kate in the background. Shit. Shit, Feb seems far away.

Yeah, the Juliette thing is very intriguing. I bet she is more dangerous than Ben/Henry, which of course makes her a fabulous foil/love interest for Jack (who was so fucking badass in this ep.)
Can’t get behind your Nathan Fillion love. I never understood that guy. What was Kate/Monica doing with him? He seemed like such a simpleton.

Scott: If I were having sex with Kate, I wouldn't care if they had tour buses coming through. Hopefully thatImage CCTV footage makes it as a DVD extra. I didn't think Sawyer was insincere in his proclamation, just that he always turns into a bit of a dork around Kate - guy's got it bad. Fillion wasn't given a whole lot to do, but like fellow Whedonite David Boreanaz in his "Angel" days, he's got a real gift for balancing darkness with humor. Yeah, he was a bit of simpleton here, but I think the whole idea was that Kate married a sweet, simple guy in the hope of becoming the sweet, simple girl he saw her as, and it just didn't take. As she so aptly put it, "I don't do taco night!"

"Well Ben, you won't be disappointed for very long." Between you and me, I think I'm developing a non-sexual crush on Matthew Fox...

Karen: Ohmygod, was Jack's line not the best ever?!!! I'm developing a sexual crush on Jack, and I'm not even a Matthew Fox fan. If I was Emilie DeRavin and the Hobbit, I'd be pissed that I don’t even merit a B storyline.

Scott: Well, the Hobbit can console himself with the fact that he's having sex with Ms. Lilly in real life. Little bastard...

Really liked the way they called back the story Jack told Kate when they first met in the pilot - best thing J.J. Abrams ever wrote, and I like that they bring it up every once in a while (much more so than the "live together, die alone" mantra, which is a little too "trust no one"/"the truth is out there" for my tastes).
What's up with Alex (the girl with the slingshot who presumably is the Frenchwoman's daughter)? Are Ben and Juliet her "parents"? Did we ever meet the boyfriend she refers to?

Karen: Whoa.... I never thought about Ben and Juliette being her parents. They don’t seem old enough, nor does she look like them. (She does, however, look like the frenchwoman. What ever happened to her?) I don’t think we've met her boyfriend yet, unless we have but just don’t know it.

Scott: The Frenchwoman and her husband (whom she killed after his "infection") are her parents biologically (unless the resemblance and the fact that the infant snatched from her was also named Alex is mere coincidence), but I meant whether Ben and Juliet served as her "parents" out in the burbs. Ben asks about her, and then Juliet says something about taking her "home," so I wonder if all the adult Others act as surrogate parents to the children taken over the years, including the ones taken from the Tailies last season.
Karen: Ahhhh. The Tailies who are all dead, I hasten to point out. Eko was the last. What’s that about? Poor casting choices? Hired a bunch of reckless alcoholics?

Hey, is Alex's boyfriend Carl - the guy who was originally in Kate's cage but escaped?

ImageScott: That's right - forgot about the kid in the cage. Definitely did not know his name was Carl. But not all the Tailies are dead: there's still Bernard, Rose's husband, though I've yet to see him (or Rose) this year.
Karen: Perhaps Bernard is dead. Run over by Michelle Rodriguez. Or perhaps chillin’ with Walt and Mike.
Hang with Scott and I until February. We’ll still be writing about Lost, because we have to do something with our free time.

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