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Filix Review: CRAZY LOVE PDF Print E-mail
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ImageI have often thrown around the phrase “God writes lousy theater.” CRAZY LOVE is a rare exception to this rule. Touching and more than just a little creepy, the Sundance fave is a well made doc that pretty much everyone can relate too.  With revenge fantasy shows like EX-WIVES CLUB showing up this summer,. CRAZY LOVE may find an audience if marketed to the mainstream.

Dan Klores tells the true story of Linda Riss and Burt Pugach. In 1959, the two had a passionate affair. When Burt drags his heels too long on buying an engagement ring, Linda dumps him for a local hunk, Larry Schwartz.  The following year Burt becomes increasingly obsessive. When Linda and Larry become engaged, Burt completely loses his mind and is temporarily institutionalized.  Upon his release, he hires two local hit men to dowse her with acid the week before the wedding.  Linda is blinded and permanently disfigured. Burt is sentenced to 15 years in prison, but even in prison his obsession grows leading to a shocking conclusion.

This story is engaging, incredulous and just plain nuts. Unfamiliar with this former tabloid headliner, I thought I was actually watching a piece of fiction in documentary form.  The two principals Linda and Burt are around and you can’t help but be riveted by their two versions of the story.  It’s a flaming car wreck of a relationship from which it is impossible to turn your head away. The yarn is rounded out with appearances by friends and family. These colorful characters are the point of reference for the audience as they seem saner than the two involved.  Well, that is until the film’s third act, when all bets are off.

Klores keeps his cards close to the chest. He directs with a delicate touch considering this story was a sensational shocker in the tabloids. The first act is unveiled as a romantic love story. Young Burt and Linda trip the light fantastic at the Copa and other late 50’s night spots. Whenever they walk in he makes sure the band plays “Linda.” Burt takes her for a ride in his plane and Cadilliac convertible. All the while, Linda tells her story very matter-of-factly behind dark glasses and a fog of More Menthols. Once the reason for the specs is reveled you view both of them quite differently. Almost as if you found out too much info on a third date. Klores’ final revelation is subtly exposed by Linda’s choice of coffee cup.

Overall, this flick is absorbing and will have the viewer questioning the very definition of love.  Tragic, compelling and, yes, fun to watch CRAZY LOVE is worth hunting down during its limited release.


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