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the NSFW Playlist: God Damn! You Look Good. PDF Print E-mail
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I've been experiecing some negativity lately. Been looking around for ways to reverse it.. So I started with compimenting the one and only DICK HOLLYWOOD! -CP 

 hey there mr. crackpot! 

 when i saw the subject of your message to me: GOD DAMN YOU LOOK GOOD, i
thought that you were talking about me! turns out that it my next subject
 matter. oh well... beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but as i look
 around my desert surroundings, i  tell ya, i am not seeing that much. now


Imagei  must say 3 times "there's no place like home, there's no place like home,
thers's no place like home" get me the fuck outta here crackpot, and back
to  "The Beautiful People"!!!

 oh and by the way, "you look marvelous!"

 -dick hollywood 




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