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Tongue and Groove PDF Print E-mail
Written by Dave Howard   
Tongue and Groove, Conrad Romo’s monthly spoken word series, delivered a kinetic burst of free verse at the Hotel Café. This time around Romo put together San Francisco Import Bucky Sinister and Derrick Brown of Write Bloody. This was an inspired pairing as neither of their styles fear humor in poetry, showing deep thought through an absurdest mentality.

Bucky Sinioster Street PoetStreet Poet Sinister (author of "All Blacked Out & Nowhere to Go” and “Get Up: 12 Step Recovery for Misfits, Freaks, and Weirdos.") is an intimidating bear of a guy. He approached the mike dressed in black with tattooed sleeves.. “I am coming up on my 20 year anniversary of my first intervention.” Then with a well intentioned pause “I have been sober seven years, so you do the math.”

Sinister’s perf was stand up comedy accented with an artist’s mentality.  He offered surrealistic snapshots of his life whether he was exploring a Fencing Operation/Donut Shop or speculating on what his action figure would be. Similar to Bill Hicks, Bucky hasn’t quite decided if he is a comedian with a deep soul or deep soul who is really funny. You can hear his piece “Whiskey Drinking Robot” here and download his latest CD on E-Music.

Backed by his band Navy Gravy (“not the guys from Woodstock”), Derrick Brown is one of the most polished showmen on the written word scene. First and foremost, you have to respect a performer who starts his gig with the Jazz Butcher classic “Partytime.”

He knows no boundaries and refuses to be held captive by genre. The energetic set included lightning fast transitions from the inflective to raunchy love letters to a rousing gospel sermon that ended the show. Each piece was delivered with a sardonic smirk and an abstract viewpoint.  Brown likes to suck you into his storytelling and then backs you off with a well placed non-sequitur or double entendre.  Go get a taste at his site.

The next T&G is coming March 29 at the Hotel Café.

Sunday Mar 29th
 6-7:00 pm
The Hotel Cafe
1623 1/2 N. Cahuenga Blvd.
Hollywood, Ca 90028

Writers: John Haskell (“Out of My Skin”)
Francesca Lia (“Block Pretty Dead”)
Mindy Nettifee  (“Sleepyhead Assassins”)
Neil Tangaroa Aitken (“The Lost Country of Sight”)
Chiwan Choi (“The Flood”)
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