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Thou Shalt Sue PDF Print E-mail
Written by Crackpot   

Carrie PrejeanCarrie Preajean is up for a new gig—poster child for Republican paranoid victim syndrome. Carrie Prejean is the latest bodacious Christian to be persecuted and she’s suing the Miss USA pageant for it. Remember he with the most lawyers wins. In addition to paranoia she has also become a conspiracy nut!


Prejean claims the Miss Cali people "conspired to get rid of her" beginning on April 21st -- when she said on the "Today" show that she would rather be "biblically correct than politically correct."

Oddly enough, Donald Trump isn’t even named in the lawsuit.

Carrie, you were fired, for not showing up for work! Do you know how many people right would show up FOR ANY JOB? Losing a job never feels good but you gotta suck it up, take responsibility and move on.

Or do you think you are just too pretty too work?

Oh and from Crooks and Liars, here’s Orin Hatch, gabbing about the evils of frivolous lawsuits. Apparently, this is the biggest hurdle to health care reform.


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